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Monday, 27 August 2018
Guest Article: Undisputed by Jay Kuhns, SPHR
That's where I have the most trouble...I don't do well with 'dealing with' face-plants, despite my apparent world-class ability to pull them off with unparalleled consistency. The unique skill that I have developed is that I only execute on said face-plants at the most inopportune times.
Yes, I can tell you're envious.
How can he be so effective one moment, and yet have the steely nerve to fall completely flat on his face the next? I wish I could explain it friends.
I REALLY wish I could explain it.
But, alas...
Pity Party
Of the various strategies I've attempted to overcome this massively annoying trait, the proverbial pity party has been a go-to for some time now.
And it's been a failure each time...as in..
Thus, I'm heading down a new path. One that I hope will allow me to, as all great champions should, pass the torch of 'undisputed' along to the next unsuspecting soul who has no idea what is about to hit them.
The path you ask?
How About You
What is the secret to removing this awful title? How have you battled your missteps and mistakes and come through better than ever?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - Undisputed»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
Guest Article: 4 Low-Cost Ways to Develop Your Team’s Soft Skills by Jennifer Miller
Leaders are often reminded “what’s inspected gets done.” While this adage is typically applied to measurable task-related behaviors such as productions goals, it’s also relevant for human elements of the workplace like interpersonal skills.
As artificial intelligence makes further inroads into your daily work as a leader, you need to pay attention to soft-skill development because these uniquely human skills are what will differentiate your team members from the bots.
It’s time to elevate soft skills to a topic worthy of frequent leadership inspection. If we are to successfully co-exist with increasingly sophisticated technology, we need to amp up our humanity.
As this Fast Company article suggests, one way to do this is to reward soft skills in the workplace. And by “reward,” I don’t mean “pay.” I mean, put emphasis on the value of conducting business in a respectful, human way.
Here are four ways to develop your team’s soft skills on the job and with minimal financial investment.
Set the stage
As the team leader, it’s your job to ensure team members have ample opportunity to practice job-related and human skill sets. This starts by you giving them context for the importance of developing their whole selves. Help your team members understand that developing their people skills is part of their path to internal career mobility. Explain that employers are looking for both technical and human skills, and that your role as a leader is to pay attention to how they’re progressing on both fronts.
Put soft skills front and center
Celebrate “wins” that highlight people skills. At meetings and team huddles, give equal praise for how something was done as well as what was achieved. “Let’s take a moment to recognize Isabella. She expedited the Acme Company customer order, which helped us keep our 100% on-time metric; she was tenacious and customer-focused without throwing the shipping department under the bus, which would have been easy to do, given the circumstances.”
See the opportunity in challenge
Setbacks provide excellent opportunities to flex soft-skill muscles. Whether it’s a project that crashed and burned or a brewing team conflict, leaders who coach employees through the speed bumps of organizational life are helping team members build a portfolio of critical soft skills: conflict resolution, negotiation, adaptability and creativity. When the whining and complaining ensues (and believe me, it will), stay resolute. Say, “Yes, this is a pain. And we will work together to get to the other side of it.”
Get clear about what good people skills look like
It’s fine to keep it low-key and casually do the fist bump and “Nice job!” thing with team members. But every so often, you need to go deeper and give detailed feedback. Highlight specific things your employees said or did that demonstrate their strength in soft skills. For example, say, “Jody, I know that you’ve been frustrated with the new purchasing software. I admire how you kept your cool at the status meeting and stayed focused on finding a solution, rather than getting into the weeds about the bugs in the system.”
Paying attention to stuff — whether it’s the latest app upgrade or a team member’s need to learn tact — ensures it gets done. The modern workplace demands that your employees have top-notch soft skills. Help your team members shine by developing their human skills in equal measure with their technical skills.
This article was published as a Smartbrief Original and is reprinted with permission.
Article source:Jennifer Miller - 4 Low-Cost Ways to Develop Your Team’s Soft Skills»
Friday, 24 August 2018
Guest Article: We’re Only Human 40: How Southwest Airlines Lives and Breathes Corporate Culture by Ben
Does corporate culture matter? Does it really? In today’s interview, Ben talks with Collette Williamson of Southwest Airlines about the company’s approach to culture, hiring, and training.
It’s quickly apparent that culture is about more than just a fluffy set of core values on the wall at corporate headquarters–it’s about a way of life that makes the company fundamentally different than the competition.
In the interview you’ll hear from Collette how the company takes that 2% of applicants that make it through the hiring process and helps to mold them into the people that serve and love their customers in an almost fanatical way. The stories will make you laugh (and may just make you cry), so we hope you enjoy the show as much as we did recording it.
To learn more feel free to reach out to Collette on LinkedIn or, as you might have guessed, check out the Southwest blog site to learn more about the company.
Article source:Ben - We’re Only Human 40: How Southwest Airlines Lives and Breathes Corporate Culture»
Check out more of Ben Uebanks' work at Upstart HR
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Guest Article: Cold Sweat by Jay Kuhns, SPHR
You completely forgot to follow up on an issue and the information is due in 5 minutes.
You realize you are in over your head with an assignment and have no idea where to turn...paralysis sets in...and your credibility begins to evaporate.
Keep Breathing
Now before you do something rash like quit your job because you don't think you'll be popular anymore and won't have any 'friends' at work consider these points:
- you're not going to die because you've hit a rough patch
- you actually can do the work if you remove some of that self-talk clutter from your mind and start attacking the issue one little step at a time
- you can reach out to your colleagues for help...that's what real colleagues do...they help each other
Now Focus
Once the wave of anxiety has washed over you...and you've decided that your entire career is over and there is no hope for you professionally...
...get your head back on straight and start building your plan.

Who can help you? Who also has a vested interest in this issue being executed successfully?
Find those people. Talk with them. Write everything down.
Breath Again
Think about how your mind has shifted. You have now documented a preliminary action plan, have connected with important internal resources to get the necessary results, and most importantly, are now back in charge.
This can not be overstated. Your mood will change. Your confidence level will change. And, by the way, the results will change dramatically from where you started.
How About You
Is it going to be hard sometimes? Yes. Is it going to be embarrassing sometimes? Yes. Is it going to be worth it? Absolutely.
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - Cold Sweat»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
Monday, 20 August 2018
Guest Article: #DisruptHR HSV 1.0 is in the books! by Ben
Last week I did something here on the blog that I haven’t done in a LOOONG time. I didn’t post anything. But it wasn’t because I had nothing to say–it’s because I was neck deep in final preparations for DisruptHRHSV, which happened last Thursday night.
This event was a long time coming and we had participants from as far away as Houston and Atlanta come to join us for the event. With about 150 participants, including 14 speakers and a handful of amazing sponsors, there were plenty of balls to juggle leading up to the session!
Bottom line: it was pretty darn amazing. If you were there, I appreciate your support and your participation. If you weren’t, I hope you can join us next time (more to come on this)! We’ll be posting the videos of the event on the DisruptHR website after they come back from the videographer so you can see how it turned out, but for me it was like getting family together (the kind of family you like!) to talk about something that we’re all passionate about: HR, people, and business.
A quick shout out to our speakers that had the courage to stand up and share their stories/passions–well done!
Additionally, our sponsor partners were amazing and we are so thankful they worked with us to make this event special. I like ’em so much I put their names on the special DisruptHR shirts I had made last week. :-) Thanks again PeopleStrategy, ADP, PassionHR, and Paycor!
This week I have a lot of great things in store for you. I’m doing some writing around compliance, investigations, and HR metrics that I am looking forward to sharing with you. Additionally, I did an interview with Collette Williamson from Southwest Airlines to uncover some of their expertise around building a great culture that I should be posting this week as well. Stay tuned for good stuff!
Article source:Ben - #DisruptHR HSV 1.0 is in the books!»
Check out more of Ben Uebanks' work at Upstart HR
Monday, 13 August 2018
Guest Article: I Have 99 Problems by Jay Kuhns, SPHR
Not Me
Sometimes I feel like I've mastered the art of identifying what is wrong with everybody else in the world. Corporate leaders, politicians, colleagues, companies, acquaintances, and on and on...
What the heck? Since when was I appointed King of the World?
Um, never.

Do I truly see how others are struggling?
Do I also misinterpret what is happening because my lens is fixed so tightly?
Do I need to learn to pause, and understand "why" something is happening before I react?
All the time.
Definitely Me
Pushing ourselves to not only be more humble and patient is one thing. Challenging ourselves to literally be a better person is a far different story. How we move from 'today' to our improved 'tomorrow' feels like a long process.
But there are steps we can take to get there. Focusing on a positive outlook (which I try hard to do); starting a journal to help us understand the 'why'; and...
...putting ourselves second. When it's always about ME...I can't focus on anyone else.
How About You
How do you ensure that 'you' don't get in the way of the people and circumstances you deal with each day? What works? What doesn't? It matters, right?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - I Have 99 Problems»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Guest Article: You Think You Know by Jay Kuhns, SPHR
Yeah, we're all geniuses now that we have cool job titles, right? We always know the best path forward.
Sure we do.
"You're ruled by a ruinous pack of lies"
How is it going...blindly following along whatever you are told?
"You are born to serve"
You do remember that you have power, right? You make a difference. You're not a corporate slave.
You're a leader.
"A one use battery"
Despite the notion that everyone is expendable, it's not true. Actually there are leaders who have the other leaders running to them for help.
"This is all we are"
In fact, we are so much more.
"Nothing to become"
Too late...we're already something special.
"Way past the point of no return"
Now is your time. Don't let the moment pass...don't let anyone stand in your way...go get it.
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - You Think You Know»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
Guest Article: What Kind of Content Can You Find at a #DisruptHR Event? by Ben
We officially sold out of our first block of 100 tickets late last week for the DisruptHR HSV event coming up on August 16th. However, thanks to a stroke of luck/providence our original space was leased out to someone else so we were bumped to a bigger room, allowing us to sell more tickets. If you’re within driving distance of Huntsville I would LOVE to see you there. We have people coming from Atlanta, Birmingham, etc. so it’s definitely worth the drive!
One of the questions I’ve received about the event is what kind of content they can expect. Well, we’re not going to give you a short list of the laws and regulations surrounding HR. We expect you to know those, and the format really isn’t conducive to that kind of approach. After all, speakers have just five minutes to make their point and get off the stage!
So, with that in mind, what kind of intriguing and thought-provoking content are we planning for this first edition of DisruptHR HSV? Here’s a taste…
- Recruiters often look just at someone’s qualifications and skills, but they often miss the critical culture fit aspect. Humans are bad at judging this in some cases, but a ton of research shows that culture is critical in hiring. This session will show you why and how to do it better.
- Innovation is a sought after buzzword in the business space. We need to create opportunities to help people generate new ideas in new environments. Coworking is a powerful way to do this, but some employers aren’t sure of the value or how to make it work. This session will show you how.
- We’re so used to relying on experience as a measure of employee value, but in an era of absurdly low unemployment rates (more open jobs than unemployed individuals!), many employers are considering dropping experience requirements for some roles. This session will give you insights into how to quantify other important elements like enthusiasm and passion.
- Have you ever thought about why people come to your city (or not)? We recruit for our companies, but cities also recruit talent and businesses with incentives, tax benefits, and local amenities. We can learn some valuable lessons from economic development professionals on how to better position our companies and regions when we’re pitching candidates to come to the local area.
- Performance management practices are great and all, but employees and managers hate them. HR often does, too. The approach companies take literally sucks the life from them like some sort of energy vampire. But there is a better, smarter way to do it, and we want to help you get on the right path.
See? Some of this is more “traditional” HR, but with a twist. Other parts are taking a step further and encouraging us to think differently and more holistically than we would otherwise. With a total of 14 speakers, you know we’re going to get into some really interesting territory.
If you’re curious about the event, it’s just $15 to attend. We have phenomenal sponsors lined up to help with the event and they are keeping costs manageable for you to come and enjoy some good food and networking.
A special thank you to PeopleStrategy for being our first top-level sponsor! Also we appreciate our friends at Paycor and PassionHR for supporting the event as well as sponsor partners. We have room for one or two more sponsors, in case anyone else is looking to connect with 100+ HR leaders at the event. For the full list of speakers and topics check out the list below. I hope to see you there!
Article source:Ben - What Kind of Content Can You Find at a #DisruptHR Event?»
Check out more of Ben Uebanks' work at Upstart HR
Monday, 6 August 2018
Guest Article: Here’s What AI Means for Your Leadership by Jennifer Miller
Will artificial intelligence change the way you lead? Yes, and probably in ways that were unthinkable even a few years ago. There’s a lot being written right now about how AI will affect the white-collar workforce. Jobs once thought immune to automation due to their extensive need for human analysis are now seen as AI’s next target.
Career coach Dana Theus says the bots are already poised to change the game for leaders. In her article “Managers, Are You Ready to Hire Bots onto Your Teams?” Theus predicts, “Whereas a year ago I would have told you that the experts were saying such advancements wouldn’t mean major job changes for most office workers, today the experts are saying that almost every job will be affected in the next decade, or sooner.”
What does all of this mean for the everyday leader in the trenches? Before anybody runs through the streets like some workplace version of Chicken Little, yelling, “the bots are coming!” let’s consider what an AI workplace really means for you and the team you lead.
It’s part of the workplace’s evolution. When you view the discussion of artificial intelligence as nothing more than a continued exploration of the workplace, it becomes less threatening. Think of any technological advancement that you’ve personally experienced over the past decade or so. At its inception, there were most likely enthusiasts and naysayers. But over time, the new technology settled in and became part of the workplace fabric. Adding AI to the mix is just the latest iteration of an ever-evolving discussion of how humans get work done.
To survive, develop the whole person. It’s the very quality of being human that still sets us apart from AI. Even though bots continue to advance their ability to mimic the human mind, we still have the edge on soft skills such as collaboration and empathy. Now, more than ever, team members need to develop their technical and their interpersonal skills. Are you developing people to their fullest human potential? Given that the World Economic Forum estimates that 10 of the 16 most critical skills for the workplace are soft skills, savvy leaders will continue to place equal emphasis on job-specific skill development as well as interpersonal skills.
Reflect on how you lead. Leadership, while typically already seen as a wholly human endeavor, will still need to adapt. Nobody will be immune to advances in technology. What’s a leader to do? Tech expert Paul Roehrig sums it up nicely in this Fast Company article in which he advises, “to beat the bot, you need to be more human.” And the more human, the better. Qualities such as compassion, mindfulness and selflessness are now seen as the foundation for effective leadership. Give consideration to how you stack up in these often overlooked leadership traits.
Get ready for a bot/human team. Theus advises leaders to “future-proof” themselves and their team members. Rather than being merely tools that humans use, bots will soon be part of a hybrid team of machines and humans. “To stay ahead of the curve on these kinds of market shifts, you need to start thinking about how you produce results using both human and automated team members,” she writes. As unsettling as it might be to think about a bot as a team member, the way to stay ahead of the game is to double down on helping your human team members do what they do best: create, connect and bring human energy to their work endeavors.
AI will soon affect how you lead. Are you ready? Use these four tips to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the one element a machine has yet to master: your humanity.
A modified version of this article appeared as a SmartBrief Original and is published with permission.
Article source:Jennifer Miller - Here’s What AI Means for Your Leadership»