Monday 7 April 2014

4 ways to modernise your job ads

The job advertisement process is the most important aspect of maximising public and professional interest for your position. Not only does an excellent advertisement stand out, but it entices more seekers and higher quality applicants who are more discerning about their application time to actively apply for the job. This allows the organisation to choose from a higher quality applicant pool and increase the likelihood of finding the most suitable candidate.

So, how does a company attract a wider and higher quality employee selection if the job does not appear enticing enough?

Simple! Any one of these four efforts can brighten up a less than exciting job position:

1. A catchy professional job title that helps your cause

First thing’s first, no one wants to search for a job and see a standard, boring title. Create more interest off the mark by turning the job title into an eye-catching headline.
For example: “Web Developer Wanted” can be turned into: “Powerhouse Web Developer Wanted for VC-Funded Social Start-up.”
Not only does this title grab the audience with the term “Powerhouse”, it also quickly describes the main aspect of the job. When we’re asked to help with titles for Allied Health positions it’s good to think about matching your core need to how ideal candidates should view themselves. ‘Driven,’ ‘Independent’ or ‘Team Leading’ used with ‘fast-paced,’ ‘independent’ or ‘growing’ workplace can quickly get out what kind of organisational environment exists and what the expectations could be.

2. Use a video presentation to show candidates the environment they could be working in

Many companies have a video conveying the organisation in a professional and enticing manner. Other videos show off the culture and friendliness of the team members. Providing a cinematic alongside the advertisement will more likely capture a larger audience at a lower cost. Any recruiter can film staff members with a video camera and create a fun yet professional video about the company. Also, making the office environment work friendly and aesthetically attractive will entice viewers to ‘want to work there’.

3. Engage the seeker with questions

Ask candidates questions to stimulate their responses, such as “are you looking for excitement?”, “want a friendly workplace environment?”  If it really is what some people might call a dull position be sure to use questions that highlight what kind of people will thrive - “can you criticise your own work outcomes?” or “are you able to shine with minimal supervision?”. Be sure to be honest and open about your workplace, you want realistic interest not a resume overload or retraction of enthusiasm at the interview phase.

 4. Have an innovative website

An organisation’s webpage is also an extremely important indicator for how an applicant feels about potentially working for your business. Making your webpage STAND OUT amongst other pages, as well as being easy to navigate are important aspects of successfully recruiting employees.  Consider including snippets and stories in a Careers section about current employee’s experiences and daily life. See more about creating a highly usable website.

All in all, if your job ad can bring high quality applicants closer to feeling ‘a part of’ your organisation in the early phases of awareness, you will receive more serious and dedicated applications. With many changes in job search behaviour including higher mobile use and passive seeking, seekers spend less time reading the particulars of job ads and need to find reasons to pay full attention, especially if they’re strong applicants!

Need help piecing together a job ad campaign that gets attention?

We often receive questions along the lines of “are you able to revive my job ad?” or “can you make my brand stand out a bit more in this ad?” and the answer is always “yes!” If you have a goal to achieve in your next hiring campaign be it increased retention or reduced resume overload, there IS a way to make that happen in your initial advertising stages. Speak to a Career Exchange consultant about how we can make your ad stand out in an engaged and directed way! Email us at or call 03 9670 0590.

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