1. They save organisations money
Mature age workers are 2.4 times more
likely to stay with an organisation than younger workers, thus saving their potential
employer a lot of time, effort and money so they don’t have to go through the
hiring process again.
They are also more likely to save their employer
money through decreased rates of absenteeism and greater investment returns on
2. Getting older doesn’t mean getting less intelligent
A study of the Organisation of Economic and
Corporate Development nations concluded that verbal skills, intelligence and
communication remain unchanged as a person ages.
3. Mature age workers are ready to learn
The saying that "an old dog can't learn new tricks" is just that, a saying. ABS data reveals that Australians aged 55 –
64 are the fastest growing users of information technology. Hence, there’s no
reason why they won’t be at the forefront of current technologies, ready to
take on new learning challenges as they arise.
4. Mature age workers come with a wealth of knowledge behind them
Throughout their tenure in the workforce,
there is no doubt that they have contacts, experience and interests; all of
which are invaluable assets to bring to any organisation. The ability to lead and motivate others is another skill set that can be acquired more with age.
5. Mature age workers reflect our community
Organisations always need to be conscious
of responding to the needs of the community they are in; in Australia , there is a changing age
profile and thus, it would best benefit organisations if they responded to this
change by being seen as a part of the community. This involves mirroring this
change with who it employs.
Mature age workers have a lot to offer the
next organisation they work for, which should be kept in mind for your next
recruitment campaign!
Are you thinking about how you can measure the relevant skills in your next hiring campaign? Our recruitment partners at Capable
People can help you find the right
person for the role by utilising non-discriminant assessments that find a person-job fit that matches your performance needs.
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