Thursday 26 June 2014

4 tips for a healthier workplace

Is your company making you sick? Been stuck in that uncomfortable office chair all day? Becoming
accustomed to the sounds of colleagues sniffling their way through flu season or are you tempted on a regular basis by nearby snacks to get you through the day? 

If you answered yes to one or more of those then don't panic, but your workplace may be having a negative effect on your health, and in turn may be affecting your productivity and even desire to work! There are some simple changes all leaders and individuals should incorporate into daily routines to combat the wrath of the unhealthy workplace:

      Get out of the chair

Sitting is the new smoking. No really, if you’re like most office workers and are sedentary for more than 6 hours a day, you’re putting your health at risk. Research suggests that our fat burning mechanisms switch off when we’re inactive, consequently we’re putting the sit into obesity. Set aside some time after completing major tasks and go for a walk around your office.Talking to others around the office, and using your lunch break to get some fresh air will also help to keep your mind fresh and ready for the day's challenges!

     Avoid Temptation
When you're day is feeling extra repetitive it can become all too simple to take frequent walks to the fridge or food table. Test out that will power against unhealthy snack choices, you know you have it in you. Better still; bring simple pre-prepared snacks to work from home. It’s a full proof plan; you’ll have healthy snacks to scrape you past 3:30-itis and you’ll save money!

Is there anything more soothing than the background noise of sniffling and coughing in the office? Well that’s debatable! We can’t control our colleagues but we CAN protect ourselves from contracting that dreaded flu. Practicing good hygiene and hand washing is always important, but even more so in the winter months, or when a bug is going around the office.

      Walking meetings
 Have you ever considered going for a walk outside the office with a colleague to discuss your ideas? It’s a productive and healthy alternative, so long as your walking meeting doesn’t turn into a conversation about what shocking revelation took place on your favourite TV show last night. Who knows, the fresh air might motivate you into realising new and interesting ideas.

A lot of these tips are centered around getting up and getting moving but it’s of paramount importance. Australians now spend the equivalent of a full working week sitting down. This may seem alarming for some but does anyone actually spend much time out of their chair at work? If you focus on all of the above tips you will be well on your way to jumping back onto the health bandwagon.

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