Monday 27 October 2014

10 tips to ace public speaking

Public speaking can leave you feeling exposed and judged, not to mention the anxiety it produces! It doesn’t have to be that way, and while you may not be in a situation where public speaking is required, being able to present yourself (and your thoughts) confidently and clearly is paramount to showing your value as a contributor. Here are 10 tips to help you not only to deliver a great speech or presentation, but be more confident in delivering ideas at a meeting or conversing with various levels you will come across in business.

Preparing your speech

1.       Imagine the speech

Visualise yourself delivering the speech confidently and in front of an interested and engaged audience.

2.       Believe that your audience is on your side

Don’t focus on who may be evaluating you, rather, remember that your audience anticipate a motivating presentation – they are on your side.

3.       Be familiar with your material

It helps to be genuinely interested in your topic. Aim to know more than you need to.

4.       Rehearse and repeat

Time and record yourself speaking. Make sure your presentation is long enough to satisfy any time requirements but not too long or you’ll start to lose your audience. Avoid overreliance on notes.

On the day

5.       Stay calm

A degree of nervousness is natural when addressing a room, but do your best to keep your head. Avoid thinking negatively about your presentation, and take several slow deep breaths before you start.

6.       Get acquainted with the space

Will you have a microphone? Access to a computer? Arrive early to ensure you can smooth over logistical points without issue.

7.       Get to know the audience

Engaging in small talk with members of the audience beforehand can help break the ice.

8.       Don’t draw attention to your nerves

Nervousness tends to be far less noticeable to the audience than you might think. Rather than apologising, carry on confidently. Try to be as natural as you can when you are presenting.

9.       Focus on the meaning and significance

What should your audience get out of listening to you? Concentrate on this goal more than your delivery.


10.   Rinse and repeat (minus the “Rinse”)

Get as much experience in public speaking or with adding your plans and opinions in meetings or with groups of people as you can. Practice makes perfect and your confidence will only increase with every experience.

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