- Recognise the signs
One of the first signs that you’re about to let yourself
procrastinate is what we like to call “Priority Conditions”.
One of the big red
flags of procrastination is the use of this sentence “If I do [e.g. drink a
cup of coffee] first, then I can start my work”. However, we all know that several
cups of coffee later we still won’t have started. This line of thinking can
create a vicious cycle of non-working as we created our own mental hurdle that
we constantly make more difficult to justify not working. Does this relieve our
anxiety about doing our work? Certainly not.
Suggested Solution: Once
you recognise these 'Priority Conditions', you can then try to reverse the
conditional order to ensure the right tasks
are being prioritised first. Rather than “If I do [e.g. drink a cup of coffee]
first, then I can start my work”, instead
try “If I do my work for an hour, then I can reward myself with a cup of
coffee”. This way we allow ourselves to create obtainable goals with a
foreseeable break. This will reduce our stress levels and create a structure
where we can start to get ourselves organised.
- Start small
- Repeat the changed behaviour as much as you can
The more that you work on doing something, the more likely
it is to become wired in your brain. This is not something that will change
overnight, however, with repetition and effort you can change your work
behaviours over time and maximise your productivity.
So, if you feel yourself prioritising pointless tasks over the work needed to be done, take heed! Think of the stress you can prevent, not to mention the productivity you will gain, from simply recognising these signs and setting small goals for yourself.
As well as improving your productivity, there are also systems available to enhance
your work environment and satisfaction. Psych Press has numerous assessments available that can pinpoint workplace issues and use organisational psychology to track down the best solutions for your human function. View Psych Press' Climate Survey or alternatively talk to one of their psychologists at 03 9670 0590
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