Thursday 3 March 2016

Polite Reminder of your most important New Year's Resolutions

Here are six effective ways of ensuring your employees New Year’s resolutions were not along the lines of ‘start looking for a new job.’


Put employees first
The customer may still always be right but for your employees to be able to deal with customers effectively to ensure they return to your business, it is up to you to set the standard of the customer experience.  When an organisations’ people are appreciated, prioritised and looked after with the same level of care extended to customers then employees will naturally take better care of their customers.

Open lines of communication.
There is nothing worse or more damaging to employee morale and focus then the rumour mill. Establish trustworthy and open lines of communication within your organisation so that employees know who to ask for information or further clarification.

Treat employees like they are capable of doing the job.
Employees were hired in the first instance because you presumed or they demonstrated the capabilities necessary to do the job advertised. Avoid dictating how, when and where they go and what they do and allow employees enough breathing room to take ownership of their work and to let new ideas flourish. They might even come up with ways to do things more efficiently which will positively impact your bottom line.

Treat employees like they have a life outside the job
Ask your employees what they need to make achieving their targets, KPI’s or outcomes more achievable. Changes don’t need to be expensive. Just demonstrating that you are willing to be flexible and are aware of other pressures outside the job will motivate employees to give back more to the organisation.

Embrace employees for who they are.
Hiring employees from diverse backgrounds is only useful if they are able to express their diversity and don’t feel pressured to conform to historical cultural norms. Ensure that opportunities for promotion are firmly based on employees merit and skills.

Let employees know they matter
Ensure each employee understands the important role they play in achieving your organisations mission. Posting the organisation’s mission on walls around the staff room is not enough. Communicate and engage with your employees to ensure they are aware how their efforts at work are helping to achieve the big picture goal.

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