Thursday 2 February 2017

Guest Article: Research that Supports Being “Good with People” by Jennifer Miller

two business people talking

For years, I’ve written about how to “master the people equation” to make a positive impact in your work life. It seems obvious (to me, at least) that people who “get along” with others are more effective at getting stuff done. People aren’t real fond of Negative Nellies and Neds. They don’t like to work with bullies. Life in the workplace goes more smoothly when folks are courteous to one another. The humans you work with appreciate it when you ask their opinions (shocking, I know!)

But let’s be honest: sometimes bad behavior is rewarded.

Big time.

And even though it feels like at times I’m pushing a rock up a hill, I’ll continue to advocate for positive business practices in the workplace. Because I believe that basic human decency is the backbone of running a successful enterprise.

If my belief isn’t compelling to you, consider the science behind my convictions. There are professionals who study the positive effects of “being a people person.” Some call these capabilities “soft skills.” Others call it “emotional intelligence” or “EQ.” No matter its name, learning to master one’s own emotions, reading others’ emotions, communicating effectively, demonstrating empathy and listening carefully—it all adds up to business success.

Would you like hard evidence? I invite you to check out InPower Coaching’s Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence Research Index. This index of studies highlights over 40 academic studies and white papers on the business case for emotional intelligence and the “soft stuff” that people sometimes dismiss as too warm and fuzzy.  I like the format: it’s organized into broad categories such as, “The Science of EQ and Soft Skills” and “Emotionally Intelligent Leadership” so you can quickly scan the areas that interest you most. The site also offers an EQ@Work blog that you can subscribe to.

If you need to convince a boss (or yourself) of the importance of these vital human relation skills, take a look at this list. There’s sure to be something of interest that will boost your confidence of the importance of the “people side” of business.

Article source:Jennifer Miller - Research that Supports Being “Good with People”»

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