Chasing Glory
For many professionals, that first taste of a high level role feels like winning a career championship game. The new found power can often be confused with having "arrived."
Is that big promotion an end point to a long quest?
Is that breakthrough job offer an affirmation of what you've always believed you could be?
If the answer was yes, the risks to future success just became exponentially more complicated. You see, chasing the glory of career success is actually a never ending series of milestones and new beginnings.
Years of hard work and professionalism can lead to exciting opportunities. Those opportunities, in effect, are a reset of everything you once knew. The previous behavior, routine, and internal peer network all change.
You have to be open to change too.
Learning the Role, Not the Tasks
The most important step many successful new leaders miss is the ramp up phase into learning "how" to do their new job. Not focusing exclusively on the tasks listed on their new job description.
Think about that for a second...learning the role, not the work.
Is a fragile ego going to be put to the side in order to do the work, make decisions, and earn respect?
Or...will the previous goal of "most popular rising leader" be the label that supersedes all else?
How About You
Who do you know that is very talented, yet has not invested the time to learn their role? How are they doing? Could they use your trusted consultative support?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - I've Arrived!»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
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