Well...that kind of makes me sound like I believe I'm Superman...and for as much as I would LOVE to believe that is true...
...sadly, it's not.
Leading vs. Owning
My role quite honestly is not necessarily to resolve every single issue that pops up. Instead, my role is to ensure every single issue gets resolved.
That doesn't mean that I am supposed to manage each step of the process; rather, just to provide the appropriate coaching, guidance, and occasional kick-in-the-pants to make sure the work gets done in a world class way.
Leading through issues is harder than owning them.
- Leading means I have to trust others.
- Leading means I have to open my mind to other ideas.
- Leading means I have to go with ideas that I many not necessarily agree with.
- Owning means I can control every single thing at every step.
- Owning means I don't have to listen to anyone's ideas or input.
- Owning means I get all the credit for fixing things.
...and owning is absolutely impossible to be done alone.
The flip-side of all this self-reflection and humility is this...
...what about results?
Sometimes a driving force is not only helpful, but required to achieve those results.
Sometimes a bold decision-maker is the only one that will push the team far enough.
Sometimes ensuring results are achieved is the only way to prove that risk = success.
Sometimes...we have to go far beyond what is safe and comfortable to get across the finish line.
How About You
Where is the balance point for you between trusting the team and driving the team forward?
Is there something we're all missing; or, is there something that the best leaders do in the moment that allows them to dance on the line between foolish trust and bullying arrogance?
I'd love to hear from you.
No Excuses.
Article source:Jay Kuhns, SPHR - I Can Handle It (All)»
Check out more of Jay Kuhns' work at No Excuses HR
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