So how can you best prepare and nail that video interview?
Try finding an area for your interview with a plain background. Although an ‘office/study’ area might look nice, it can be distracting to the interviewers. Beforehand, try to record a mock interview in this area to see how the interviewers will see you. Practicing also allows you to prepare for speaking into a microphone clearly and maintaining eye contact with the camera (and not the screen).
Position yourself in front of a camera that is at the same height as the top of your head. This will give the hiring staff a professional view of you. In addition, be aware of your posture and ensure you don’t slouch, squirm, or look bored. Instead, seat yourself just as you would if you were in the interviewer’s office.
Even though you’re behind a camera, take the time to brush your hair, clean your face, and dress in business attire. In addition, check the lighting before the interview and clean that smudge off the camera lens to ensure that you are visible. Present to the camera as though you are making eye contact with the interviewer.
If it is a live interview, ensure that you have all the materials you might need in front of you at least 10-15 minutes in advance. In addition, double check all internet, camera, and microphone connections to ensure no technological issues arise during the interview. Turn off your mobile (or at least on silent and out of your sight) and minimise the amount of distractions that could occur via family members, pets, etc.
Take your time when composing your answers. There can be a transmission delay when doing a video interview, so pace your speech at a slightly slower rhythm whenever there is an internet connection involved. Nodding when you have heard the question and waiting three seconds before you respond is a useful strategy to overcome interruptions due to lagging internet connections.
As the chances of being interviewed by video is becoming more and more likely, being well prepared in advance can help increase the probability of securing a job. Even though you may be in the comfort of your own home, remember that it is no less formal than a regular interview. Therefore, make sure you treat it as if you were actually in the employer’s office.
Voice Advantage, is our recently launched sleek and advanced interviewing platform
As a job seeker, you can interview via phone or video (depending on your tech) in your own time. To try it out, take a quick 3 minute demo here.
Finally, remember to be confident and GOOD LUCK!
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