Monday 4 April 2016

Job Search Advice Nobody Tells You

Struggling to show your interviewer or potential employer the unique contribution you can make to their organisation? Well, never fear. The team at Snagajob have got you covered for the tips, and we at Career Exchange have you got you covered for your next job in allied health! 

1. Practice the drive or transport route to your interview

This will allow you to plan how much travel time you will need and also ease those pre-interview nerves by knowing where you are going.

2. Don't be better, be different

Play up your unique skills and attributes or things you have done that are likely to impress your interviewer (volunteering, travel, extra-curricular activities, starting a side business) 

3. Patience is a virtue

Finding the perfect job is often not as easy as it seems because if the job appeals to you - it will likely appeal to others too! Realising that the job process may take longer than anticipated will help you overcome any rejections more easily and give you more of a chance to reflect and improve for the next opportunity.

4. Listen and learn

Listen to the feedback interviewers give you. Learn from the mistakes you and others make and apply that to your job search. The more you know, the easier the process will be.

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