Thursday 29 January 2015

Psychometric Assessments and Hiring Staff

An ever increasing number of employers are identifying the benefits of psychometric testing and are reaping the rewards of adding it to their recruitment process. Gone are the days where ‘gut feeling’ was an acceptable justification, decisions must now be based on tangible, objective data. Furthermore, current research suggests that replacing a skilled-person can cost an employer upwards of 150% of that employee’s annual salary. This means that even one bad hire can be extremely costly! This is where psychometric assessment comes in.

Whilst there may be a bewildering array of psychometric assessments on offer, they all aim to provide objective data about a person. This data may be on the candidates’ personality attributes, past behaviours, and intellectual abilities. This information can then be used to predict future occupational success aka: job performance in a wide variety of workplace environments, including sales, human services and even the defence force. 

This data can be used to predict how your future employees make decisions when under pressure or how likely they are to damage positive relationships with customers or clients. The objective results that are obtained are comparable between different prospects; to ensure you choose the right person for the job and be safe in the knowledge that you haven’t overlooked anyone you have screened.

It is important to note that Psychometric Assessments should never be used as the be-all-end-all. They are most effective when screening potential employees, as simply relying on a resume and interview allows the prospect to tell you exactly what you want to hear. There is currently a lot of talk about Unconscious Bias and the best way of managing this is through supporting your keen observations with the objective, comparable data that psychometric testing provides.

Employers are often concerned about how difficult they think these tests may be to deliver and interpret. Fortunately, you don’t need a degree in psychology to understand them! Psychometric assessments are written using plain, ‘real world’ language, so that any employer can easily understand what is being measured, why it is important to them and how their candidates’ results compare to the ‘average’ result of a relevant population (i.e. managers or graduates etc…) All of this allows the employer to determine if a candidate is suitable for such a role, how successful they will be and if they will fit the culture of the organisation or team.

Psychometric assessments can also be tailored to meet the employer’s individual needs based on the specific attributes and qualities an employer is looking for in potential candidates. Psychometric tests can be used in recruitment for culture-fit, team-fit, role-fit and a candidates potential to be trained. Assessments can also be used for existing employee training and retention purposes as well. Assessments allow you to profile employees, identifying their strengths, development areas and work styles.  This data can be used for promotions and to reorganise work-flow. By reallocating tasks to employees to suit their work style you can increase engagement, productivity and job satisfaction, leading to a happier and more efficient workplace.

If you are interested in learning more about psychometric assessments to help you hire the right people, please speak with Dr. Gavin Didsbury or a consultant from our assessment partner PsychPress who provide a variety of psychometric assessment solutions. Please call on 03 9670 0590 or email

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